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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Time to Bring It in the New Year!

Fitness guru to the military: "Bring it"


July 16, 2010|By Ed Hornick, CNN
  • Tony Horton is the brains behind the popular workout regimine called P90x.
    Tony Horton is the brains behind the popular workout regimine called P90x.
Tony Horton is on a mission: to keep the military fit.
As a fitness trainer, Horton knows a thing or two about the demands of military service. He has worked directly with members of the military at bases in the United States and abroad using his fitness program "P90x" as a model.
His workout signature line: "Bring it."
"A lot of the military right now are suffering like the civilian population: They're overweight and not exercising regularly and eating too much fat, sugar and salt," Horton told CNN. "So the idea is to rewire folks so that they can be as fit as they can possibly be."

His fitness program is helping military men and women fighting abroad, he said. The program does not require a gym -- just a DVD player in which to play the series of workout discs.
"So if you're in Afghanistan and downrange and you want to get a workout in, you can do it right there on the ground," he said.
Horton took his "Fit to Fight" pitch to the National Press Club on Friday to urge the military to fight obesity within its ranks. Of particular concern is whether the Department of Defense will be able to replace current fighting forces when potential recruits are too badly out of shape to qualify for service.
"[My program] is as much about recruits as it is about active duty," Horton said. "So it starts with the civilian population. We've got kids that actually want to join up and can't because they can't pass the PT [physical training] test."
A recruit must meet the physical fitness test, which includes situps and pushups, when he or she enlists.
The maximum acceptable weight depends on the person's age, gender and height. A 21- to 27-year-old woman with no prior service who's 5 feet 3 inches tall is allowed to weigh up to 137 pounds. A man in the same age group who's 5 feet 8 inches tall can weigh up to 186 pounds.
Horton said the idea is to change the way recruits think about getting healthy and fit, because "being overweight means you're being overwhelmed."
And his concerns are backed up by alarming statistics.
More than 9 million young adults -- 27 percent of all Americans age 17 to 24 -- are too overweight to join the military, according to a report released in April by a group of retired admirals, generals and other senior military leaders known as "Mission: Readiness."
"Being overweight or obese turns out to be the leading medical reason why applicants fail to qualify for military service," according to the group's report, "Too Fat to Fight."

Monday, November 15, 2010

Fit Challenge Day 10, 11, and 12

Wow!  What a fast weekend!  Only got one workout in, must have been busy.  I am looking forward to the workout tonight.  Probably do arms and shoulders in P90X then got basketball tonight with be part of my plyo workout!  But still feeling good and looking forward to continuing to get ripped!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Kenpo X and military on Day 9

Kenpo X tonight! Great workout! Tried to focus on the core while twisting with the punches and kicks. Lots of breathing and tried to keep my heart rate in "The Zone" 155-165bpm. Found a good explanation of this at "Running for Fitness". I am pretty stoked because I weighed in last night at 211.5 after only a week on P90X. I realized after my first round that I have to "Bring It" every time and keep my nutrition right. Can't wait to see the results in 30, 60, and 90 days. Thanks again to all those serving in the military, it is becuase of you we are free to be involved in such a great thing as Beachbody!!

Happy Veterans Day to All Military Past and Present

Thank you Veterans for your service to our country!  As a veteran myself I appreciate the sacrifice that is made by members and families.  Thank you!

Check out Shaun T. and Insanity's Veterans day special with the Military!  Link Below


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Day 6 and 7 Holiday Fitness Challenge

The weekend was a little rough with the diet.  Hard to go out and still eat right, but back on the bandwagon yesterday!  Great leg and back P90X workout last night, and Ab Ripper X!  Sore legs today though, plus I am playing hoops tonight so should be interesting!

Tony Horton doing double bosu/stability ball pushups

Friday, November 5, 2010

Day 5 Holiday Fitness Challenge

Day number 5 of my holiday fitness challenge consited of the Plyometrics workout from P90x.  Great cardio workout, lots of jumping and leg exercises.  I can feel the calories burning.

Nutrition is going well, just got my replenishment of P90X recovery drink which is awsome! 

Looking forward to shoulders and arms tonight!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Inspiring Message from Beach Body Coach Dave Ward

It's about the Dream!
Posted: 25 Oct 2010 09:24 AM PDT
2 years ago I found myself at an intersection in life.  My dream was bigger than my job.  My job was pretty big.  I had practiced law for 10 years and finally found a law firm filled with great people and great work.  The only problem was that I have a big dream.  I’ve seen my generation devastated (send me an email if you think that word is too big – dave@thefitclubnetwork.com) by food.  Crap poison we put into our bodies on a daily basis because it is cheap and readily available.  It’s killing us, whether you want to face that or not.
When we had kids Monica’s goal was to be a good role model for our kids. I’ve always admired her for inspiring that in our family.  I thought I could reach beyond our doors and into the very essence of the year 2010 mid 30′s human.  If you are in that demographic, don’t be too flattered.  I’m not really speaking to you.  I’m speaking to your children.  See, if I can change – even on a very small scale – what’s going on with my generation, then I can have a profound impact on the next one.  Reach two parents, and you reach 2 to 4 children on average.  Now that’s leverage.  That’s my dream and that’s the path to reversing the obesity trend in America.
So, you see the problem for me was not money, it was time.  I just didn’t have the time to pursue my dream while I was pushing papers around from 8 to 6 and squabbling about the location of a comma in a given paragraph.  There are plenty of people who don’t get it.  They don’t understand why I would, “leave all that behind”.  All I can say is that there are times in life when your dream is simply bigger than what you do for a paycheck.
I got lucky.  I found a vehicle to achieve my dreams.  Being a beach body coach provides me with the tools I need to change all of this.  I never – not for one moment – think it is bigger than me.  I have a big dream and I need a big team.  Time is my biggest ally.  I just need to keep doing what I’m doing what I’m doing and teach others to do the same and for them to keep doing what they are doing.  Rinse and repeat.  If you want to get on board, live your dreams, and help me achieve mine.   Until then, do whatever you can today to make the world a better place.  Make better choices in your life and help others to live their dreams. It is truly the most rewarding thing you can do with your life.

Day 4 of Holiday Fitness Challenge

Shoulders and Arms yesterday was a great pump.  Looking forward to Cardio tonight and abs with ab ripper X.  Check out all the workout progarms at www.beachbodycoach.com/matsuz

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

How to cut 100 calories!

Cutting Calories

How much weight have you gain since you left High School? Since you got married? Since you had your first, second, or third child?…
We’ve gotten older, have more responsibilities and think less and less of what we put in our bodies until something hurts, we’re in the hospital or too round to fit into those jeans again.
By paying attention to what we drink and eat can save us some headaches later. Here’s how:
If you were to cut or Add 100 calories from your diet every day for a year, that’s 10 pounds each year….you gain or lose.
Cutting 100 calories a day is not that bad or hard if you know how to do it.
Here’s a few TIPS:
  • Prep your own snacks: How many times have you been hungry or had the munchies and reach for sugar, starch or fat (all of these are available at your nearest Vending Machine) But if you prep in advance with fruits, almonds or any whole Food you’ll be safe and save right there 100 a day.
  • Don’t clean your plate: our moms always said, “you cant get off that chair till you eat everything in that plate”. But what if I’m full?… You stop eating! Take your food to go or save it for tomorrows lunch.
  • Stop drinking so much Soda and more Water: no explanation needed
  • Eat Breakfast: people that eat a healthy balance breakfast are less likely to eat more throughout the day. Specially that snack before lunch.
  • Don’t accessorize your coffee drinks: ditching your grande caramel macchiato with two-percent milk (about 240 calories) for a tall nonfat caffe latte—it’ll save you almost 150 calories.
  • Choose your Carbs wisely: replace your bagel with a whole grain substituted

Day 3 of Holiday fitness Challenge

Weighed in a 215lbs today after great workout yesterday!  I already have more energy and confidence after a coule of workouts!  This is a great challenge and inspiration!  I hope all take advantage of it!  Looking forward to Shoulders and Arm workout tonight.  I will try to post some pics and measurements tonight.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Day 2 of Holiday Fitness Challenge

I didn't have chance to take pictures yesterday so will do that today and post.  Workout today is P90X plyometrics, jump training!  Looking forward to it, great cardio workout then Recovery Drink!

Today's Meals:
Breakfast:  Shakeology chocolate shake
Lunch:  Tuna fish sandwich with a pear
Afternoon snack:  P90X meal replacement bar Chocolate and peanut butter.
Dinner:  Will be burgandy beef over rice (minimal gravy)


Monday, November 1, 2010

60 Day Holiday Fitness Challenge

My 60 day Holiday Fitness Challenge starts today!  Looking forward to being fit both spiritually and physically before the New Year!  Don't wait  Follow Me and do the same!  Starting out at 215 lbs.  Looking forward to being close to 200lbs at the end of 60 days. 

Breakfast:   Egg whites and dried blueberries.
Lunch:  Tuna fish in spring water and grapes.
Dinner:  Mahi Mahi Fish Tacos.

Workout:  Chest and Back in P90X  Bring it!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Drink Yer Water!

“Drink yer water people!”

Few people aren’t aware of the importance of water to our daily health and wellness. It’s so important that even one extra glass of water a day can restore energy levels when we feel we are losing steam for no apparent reason. But many of us may be unaware that water on it’s own will not provide the needed supplements to maintain a successful and productive workout schedule. Our bodies need fuel in the right proportions and at the right time. I am reminded of the picture of Michael Phelps downing a package of Carnation Instant Breakfast before a race.
Now I’m not suggesting we all begin consuming large quantities of that particular product! But I am suggesting that everyone who wants to perform their best and do so multiple times during the day needs to pay attention to what they drink and when they drink it. A little research and a little experimentation on an individual basis is necessary but from my experience I can throw out a few suggestions to start the discussion.
I usually start with an after workout drink like the P90X Peformance drink. The difference here is the additional protein component which I like because it keeps me near the 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight ratio that’s beneficial when training. I could mention many other brands and even suggest chocolate milk after a workout as some studies have experiented with.  (I personally really like use something like Cytomax during a hard cardio workout and P90X Results and Recovery Drink afterwards, and P90X Results and Recovery Drink during and after resistance workouts.  By using these, I don’t really have to worry about consuming sugar as I would with other drinks.)
So, as Tony Horton says, “Drink yer water people!”
But make sure you’re not leaving out what your body needs and letting your performance go down the drain.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Chest and Back Day

Today was chest and Back Day!!  What a Pump!  What a great workout!  If you have not given P90X a try do it now!  You WILL get in the best shape of your life!


New Body!!

New Body

Fit Woman
When you've never had a fit, lean body, it's hard to imagine that you could ever have one. Many P90X users don't believe their bodies will change very much prior to starting the program. If you've looked the same for 30, 40, or 50 years, then a 90-day time frame for dramatic change seems impossible. People look at their sedentary parents and assume they will look just like them. They would be right. But if you move and eat differently than your folks, you will look dramatically different. P90X is the opposite of what most people are doing. Six days of exercise and a healthy diet for 90 days are the opposite of laziness. A new body comes from new behavior, plain and simple. P90x is the behavior for your new body.

Getting Fit and Staying Fit in the Military

First of all Thank You to our military who are serving for all of our freedom every day!!!

For many service members, boot camp, basic training, and the military's physical fitness requirements are just not enough to get and maintain the body they want. Being stationed in barren deserts and tiny towns (often in foreign lands) gives troops interested in health and fitness an even greater challenge, because temperamental climates, poor nutritional choices, and lack of free time can make getting and staying in shape seem as difficult to plan and carry out as an elaborate battle maneuver.
Military Sculpted BodyMany military men and women have found P90X to be just the fitness and nutritional program their bodies have been craving. While geared for those who want intense training, P90X does more than just sculpt muscles—it gives those who want change, challenge, and control exactly what they need.

I found the same thing being in the military.  I found it hard to find the time to stay fit even though most people associate the military with being fit.  I am turning to P90x and have lost 15lbs. in my first 30 days and am looking forward to getting in the best shape of my life with P90X.