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Saturday, October 16, 2010

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Drink Yer Water!

“Drink yer water people!”

Few people aren’t aware of the importance of water to our daily health and wellness. It’s so important that even one extra glass of water a day can restore energy levels when we feel we are losing steam for no apparent reason. But many of us may be unaware that water on it’s own will not provide the needed supplements to maintain a successful and productive workout schedule. Our bodies need fuel in the right proportions and at the right time. I am reminded of the picture of Michael Phelps downing a package of Carnation Instant Breakfast before a race.
Now I’m not suggesting we all begin consuming large quantities of that particular product! But I am suggesting that everyone who wants to perform their best and do so multiple times during the day needs to pay attention to what they drink and when they drink it. A little research and a little experimentation on an individual basis is necessary but from my experience I can throw out a few suggestions to start the discussion.
I usually start with an after workout drink like the P90X Peformance drink. The difference here is the additional protein component which I like because it keeps me near the 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight ratio that’s beneficial when training. I could mention many other brands and even suggest chocolate milk after a workout as some studies have experiented with.  (I personally really like use something like Cytomax during a hard cardio workout and P90X Results and Recovery Drink afterwards, and P90X Results and Recovery Drink during and after resistance workouts.  By using these, I don’t really have to worry about consuming sugar as I would with other drinks.)
So, as Tony Horton says, “Drink yer water people!”
But make sure you’re not leaving out what your body needs and letting your performance go down the drain.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Chest and Back Day

Today was chest and Back Day!!  What a Pump!  What a great workout!  If you have not given P90X a try do it now!  You WILL get in the best shape of your life!


New Body!!

New Body

Fit Woman
When you've never had a fit, lean body, it's hard to imagine that you could ever have one. Many P90X users don't believe their bodies will change very much prior to starting the program. If you've looked the same for 30, 40, or 50 years, then a 90-day time frame for dramatic change seems impossible. People look at their sedentary parents and assume they will look just like them. They would be right. But if you move and eat differently than your folks, you will look dramatically different. P90X is the opposite of what most people are doing. Six days of exercise and a healthy diet for 90 days are the opposite of laziness. A new body comes from new behavior, plain and simple. P90x is the behavior for your new body.

Getting Fit and Staying Fit in the Military

First of all Thank You to our military who are serving for all of our freedom every day!!!

For many service members, boot camp, basic training, and the military's physical fitness requirements are just not enough to get and maintain the body they want. Being stationed in barren deserts and tiny towns (often in foreign lands) gives troops interested in health and fitness an even greater challenge, because temperamental climates, poor nutritional choices, and lack of free time can make getting and staying in shape seem as difficult to plan and carry out as an elaborate battle maneuver.
Military Sculpted BodyMany military men and women have found P90X to be just the fitness and nutritional program their bodies have been craving. While geared for those who want intense training, P90X does more than just sculpt muscles—it gives those who want change, challenge, and control exactly what they need.

I found the same thing being in the military.  I found it hard to find the time to stay fit even though most people associate the military with being fit.  I am turning to P90x and have lost 15lbs. in my first 30 days and am looking forward to getting in the best shape of my life with P90X.